CET 659: Teaching in a 1-to-1 Computing Environment
Instructor: Lynette Molstad-Gorder
Completed: Fall 2008
Course Description:
This course will prepare participants for a ubiquitous computing
environment including classroom management and use of appropriate software as
part of a 1 to 1 implementation. Curriculum product ideas and strategies for
student engagement within content areas (math, science, languages, social
studies, etc.) will be developed and shared within teams to emphasize best
practices of 1 to 1 computing.
Course Reflection:
This course was very beneficial as it provided information that I have been able to use as the school I teach at went 1-to-1 at the high school level. I continue to use many of the concepts that were introduced during this course, such as WebCT and Synchroneyes.
Projects Completed: